Ash Coffee

Recipes for the Coffee

Interesting Recipes for the Coffee buff in You


Coffee is what drives us, it’s our daily fuel. We have all come to love it and everything that is made from it. But now, does it make sense to go out every time you crave coffee or something made from it? No! Of course not! It certainly makes more sense to just learn some interesting coffee related recipes and try them out for recreation. This way, you can experiment with various ingredients and get astonishing, delicious results. 

Coffee is popularly consumed in beverages, but you can use it in cakes, cookies, salad dressing, and whatnot! Here we have some recipes to excite the coffee enthusiast in you- 


Coffee walnut cake is a rich, buttery cake that has a rich aroma and flavour of espresso, topped with a chock full of crunchy walnuts to garnish it. The ingredients you’ll need to make this yummy cake are listed below. 

For the cake, you’ll need- 

2+1/4 cup all purpose flour

2 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoon cinnamon powder

1+1/4 cup melted butter

¾ cup powdered sugar

¾ cup lightly packed brown sugar

4 eggs

1.5 teaspoon vanilla extract

½ cup whole milk

2 tablespoon instant coffee powder + 1 tablespoon water

¾ cup chopped walnuts


For the cake frosting, you’ll need- 

1 cup softened butter

2.5 cups icing sugar

½ cup cacao powder

2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

Preheat the oven at 180 degrees and set aside two tablespoons of coffee. Whisk the softened butter, all purpose flour, powdered sugar, baking powder, eggs, vanilla extract and some coffee in a bowl with an electric whisk until it has no lumps. Mix along the chopped walnuts, then pour the batter in the cake tin. Put some chopped walnuts for garnishing. Bake the cakes for 25-30 minutes and check if it’s cooked or not by inserting a toothpick or skewer. Dusk the cake with a little coffee and Voila! 


These crunchy, crispy cookies can be enjoyed with warm milk, or any other beverage. Coffee adds a certain dazzle to them. Here’s the recipe- 

1 cup of softened butter 

2 egg yolks

1 cup castor sugar

1/4 tsp salt

1 tbsp whole milk

3 cups flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp instant coffee, along with 2 tsp water to dissolve it

You can add a bit of cinnamon or cocoa powder to spice things up. 

Now that you’ve prepared all the ingredients, preheat the oven to 176 degrees. Mix the coffee powder with 2 tsp water and set it aside. Whisk the butter, yolks, powder sugar, salt, milk and the coffee in a bowl till there are no lumps.Now add the flour, baking powder and make the dough. Cover the dough in a plastic cling wrap and keep it in the fridge for about half an hour.

Sprinkle some flour on a flat surface and flatten the dough on it. It should be as thick as you want the cookies to be. Cut the cookies in any desired shape and put them in the oven to bake!


This exquisite espresso beverage is made of a shot of espresso with a shot of vodka along with some Kahlua. Haven’t heard of “Kahlua”? Well, it is what we call “Coffee Liqueur”. It’s like a sweet syrup. Here are the ingredients- 40ml of Vodka, 20ml of Kahlua, 20ml of cooled espresso, and some coffee beans for garnishing. 

Now all you gotta do is to put the vodka, kahlua and espresso and some ice in a cocktail shaker.

Shake it 10 times and then pour in a cocktail glass. Garnish as desired and serve.

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